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Sunday, February 13, 2011

Memories of Hawai'i

Shaina and I made a list nearing our end in Hawai'i of our favorite memories since being there, that way we'd never forget. More so for our own personal record, I'm writing the list here.

1. Kona beach trip-buried Brandon in the sand, Shaina got cornered with Brandon still buried by another guy who was obviously hitting on her.
2. Played around at Pets Mart, played with kitty, Target, played with swords, and sports authority.
3. Tickle fight in Chris's car and Shaina's loud scream.
4. Back rubs at the stake center with Brandon's baby lotion.
5. Bowling in Volcano
6. Waimea park and the dentist trip. ( Throwing rocks at each other on the tire swing. )
7. Golfing, all of us suck but Chris.
8. Pizza Hut date w/Conrad on the side. (Brandon hinting to Meagan to talk to Chris.)
9. Mauna Kea- Boys brought us hot cocoa, Brandon has a change of heart towards his ex friend.
10. Brandon teasing Shaina w/ "No no no"
11. "We don't have accents!"
12. Ong language in Target
13. The open Gusher pack next to Brandon while we sat in the Garden area of...K mart?
14. Trying on hats at the Waimea shopping Center
15. Hyper night at Burger Kind with a family next to us laughing at us.
16. "Let's take this to the yard" "Intercepted!" "Wiki wiki wa!"
17. Wal-mart tour
18. Waiaka shows up at golfing, giving Brandon the music book
19. Chris and Brandon practice "Billionaire" for their club concert
20. Brandon comes and hangs at Uncles all day
21. Chris and Waiaka write a song while Brandon played
22. Chris shows Brandon Meagans song but doesn't let us see
23. Ian teaches Shaina Hawaiian
24. Brandon piggy backing Shaina as his pants fell down (hahaha)
25. Chris, Brandon, Meagan, and Shaina always arriving together at activities and leaving
together from activities.
26. Playing piano in the relief society room
27. Brandon listening to me sing opera in relief society room
28. Laughing at LNL's
29. Brandon came to Uncles just to sing to Shaina when she wasn't feeling well
30. Brandon leaving Shaina a voicemail of him singing to her after that horrible FHE when we found out the Hostel was a no go.
31. Chris's chocolate, note, and flower he picked up at walmart hoping it would "pick up" their relationship. ;)
32. Meagan Breaking up w/Chris before they were together.
33. Meagan starting a relationship with Chris.
34. Brandon finding out that Meagan and Chris were dating while we waited outside at the dentist.)
35. Shaina playing NBA basketball playstation game w/Brandon at Chris's house
36. Chris and Brandon picking us up countless times from Danny's in Pahoa
37. Dejavu with bracelet on the truck
38. Went to the mall, had steak, teased each other, boys go to end of table.
39. Boys got up set cuz they had no money for date, then apologized when we got to the mall.
40. We drove to the bowling alley with music blaring, dancing crazy and hyper, got to bowling alley in high spirits and hyper attitudes. Bumpin hips. Brandon changes. Last day of actual friendship.
41. Taught the guys to dance to little mermaid with cowboy cha cha and had to leave when Chris's friends showed up, so we went to Chris's and danced in the drive way.
42. Chris says "Just so you know, I'm not perving on you or anything." Haha.
43. Waiting in the back of the truck for Chris and Meagan
44. Brandon dancing with Shaina at Mauna Kea
45. Talking accents at Kens
46. Meagan and Shaina filming the guys swimming
47. We were the inseperable four: Chris, Brandon, Meagan, Shaina
48. Everyone knew we were together, even though we weren't "together"
49. Brandons knee slap laugh and "No, leave me alone! Ahhh!"
50. Eating at LNL while guys watched the game on T.V.
51. Going to Brandon's house while playing w/puppes
52. Talk with Brandon about Jamie
53. Meagan and Chris behind menu's at chinese restaurant
54. Our last Sunday night at Chris's house
55. Brandon plays "Apologize" and plays a message to us through an impromptu song.
56. The ring....
57. May fifth: Arrived in Hilo
58.Moved into Jewels
59. Met Chris and Brandon
60. Shaina comes
61. Kicked out of Jewels
62. Met Transit Bishop
63. Moved into Uncles
64. Lost purse and all Money and I.D.
65. No internet
66. Job hunting
67. Got job at hostel
68. Moved to cousin Dan's
69. Left Danny's for hostel
70. Lost Hostel Job. Chris runs after Shaina after talking to hostel guy and going to park (Bad phone call and horrible FHE)
71. Moved back to Danny's
72. Surfing
73. Moved back to Uncles
74. June 12. Lost all internet and Phones.
75. Attacked by killer ants
76. Got Sunburnt.
77. Eaten alive by mosquitoes
78. Frantically Swatting termites in Uncles house
79. Sugar cane with Uncle
80. Waterfall tour with uncle
81. Laundry days with Uncle
82. Celebratory ice cream with Waiaka, Conrad and Trevor
83. Bike rides to the shore, swimming in the cold ponds
84. Hanging out with Trevor
85. Running for the USCG at Danny's with cousin Erin
86. Chris sings Shaina and Meagan's love song at the pavilion
87. Date with Ian and Chris at the campgrounds, marshmallows, "Oh, Lord My Redeemer', and laying under the stars
88. Megs first hangout with Chris and Brandon. Burger king and singing at the church
89. Going to the Zoo with Waiaka and Conrad
90. Uncle every morning "Good morning girls!"
91. Bro. Cardenes meeting with each of us, trying to convince us to go home.
92. Crying in the church Banyan Tree
93. Moving to Laceys, to a hotel, to that other guys.... to Rico's.
94. Wal-mart with Rico
95. Spending the fourth of july alone at coconut island
96. Cousin Dave and the family barbecue
97. Dave's frequent stop ins to check on us. The lovely cousin.
98. FHE hiking and beach day

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Heya readers, Meagan here.
It's been a while since there have been any new posts so I'm excited to be able to update this thing a little bit tonight.

About one week ago I returned from a trip to L.A. and Switzerland. =D It was my first time going out of country... and...well.... it was interesting.

Maybe I'll start at the beginning....

A few benefits with my Mom having a job: She works for an exchange company, and each year she wins a trip for her and one other person over seas. The benefit is that she chooses to take us kids.... Yep.

So, she picked me up Monday and I spent three nights at her tiny little cassita in St. George until it was finally time to head to L.A. Once we got there we were able to see my Auntie and cousins for the first time (for me at least) in years, as well as my sister and her boyfriend.

Anyhow, two more days there and and we were on a plane to Switzerland.

I think the best way to describe my experiences there is to write from the letters I sent Shaina throughout the week.


I've learned quite a few things while being on this trip.

One. If you want to run into good looking men while in the airport, you have to take an international flight.

Two: Atlanta Georgia is where it's at, and I'm totally planning a trip.

Three: America has a lot to be ashamed of... but that might not make sense to anyone here.

Four: There is a lot to be grateful for in America.

Five: Spaghetti is still the best food in existence.

Six: I'm convinced it's a better life over seas.

Seven: Never trust a GPS.

That last one I think everyone can agree with in some way.

.....and there's a bunch more that my mind just won't allow me to think upon at this late hour.

Spending the night in a hotel with my Aunt, my mother made a mistake of asking what she thought about the new Airport security systems. The rest of the night was spent in a heated argument. But, by the end of the night, or should I say... early morning, we were all filled with giggles and laid our heads to rest with the agreement that men are lazy and self sabotaging and women are sickeningly selfless to the point of losing their identity. Especially in marriage.

Haha. =)

Observing my cousin and her little family has restored my excitement and belief in marriage and a family. Seeing the love she and her husband share, the unity they have in raising a little baby boy, and the pure goodness that shines through her husband was one of the best things I could have witnessed that week. I hope my husband is at least half as good as hers, and that I can be as good a mother and wife as she is.

Jumping subjects a bit, that same lovely cousin of mine also surprised my Mom and I with free hair cuts while being there. Loved mine...except maybe the bangs. I'll be making a mental note to not try those again.

I feel it's important to make it clear to you all just how miserable and torturous it is to be in a foreign country and not be able to understand a single thing anyone is saying. If you haven't experienced that yet, then I pity the day you do. It's painful, and you might as well run back up to your hotel room and lock yourself in a closet and cry all day. Really.

I've been studying up and refreshing my mind from what little French and German I took while in High school, but it made little difference once I was there. And not to mention once I was there I realized how petrified I was to attempt to speak the language to someone, especially considering I have no accent. =P

oh but alas, I had fun despite those few issues. Montreux is my favorite city. It's stunning and I'm more of a french person than I am Swiss. So if you go to Switzerland, be sure to visit. The mountains in Switzerland are amazing, there are castles everywhere, the old buildings are amazing and the villages are just beautiful.

I was able to see my host sister while in Lucerne as well which was so good being that it's been over two years since we've seen each other.

And the last but not least event from Switzerland: We'll put it this way... "Oh, agony." "I never knew french could sound so attractive coming from a french mans lips" "My heart is left in Montreux." "I'm shedding tears right now, just so you know." and "I WALKED AWAY FROM DESTINY! That's not something you take lightly."

Oh, but it's late and my eyes are threatening death if I procrastinate any longer.

Joyeux Noel, my friends! Till next time.


Oh! I forgot the best part. At the end of the trip, coming home from L.A. my Mom backed into my Auntie's mail box. Ha ha. She's not a very good driver. I keep having to remind her that I'm taking her license away at 53. =P

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Back in Utah Blog

We're back in Utah...sorry for the lack of videos.

We have colds, which is the reason for the stuffy voices. And we could be considered mental. Hope you don't find us too boring. Also, sorry for the messed up vid. My movie maker is broken, and I've been working on this video for far too many hours to really care any more.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Excitement list

Before leaving for Utah, Shaina and I wrote a little list of the things we were excited for. Just thought you might enjoy reading them. Seriously, who would think to be so grateful for half of these things?

I am excited for/to:

Twin pops
Wash my clothes every night
A dryer
Dry my clean bod on a good smelling towel
Have my own towel
Have a place in the shower for my shampoo/razor/plushies
Blare my music
Blare music in the car
Paint my nails in a comforable manner
Borrow clothing from Kamie
A stable life to base our daily schedules upon
A home cooked meal
Baking cookies
Choices in the fridge
Cooking in our own kitchen
Nieces and Nephews
Prego Sisters
A car
Familiarity in weather
Mowing the lawn
Home telephones
Unlimited long distance/free nights and weekends
internet that is reliable
working computers
Pampered by ma
Getting ready for the day
Showering whenever the heck I want
Free range of bathroom
Free tampons
Mothers makeup and her generosity in our thievery
The grind and brauns books!
Off the cuff and Chris Bodily
Somewhere to stay permanently
No threat of being kicked out
Regular church/walk to
Close proximity to cedar amenities
Be a wolverin among fellow wolverines
My guitar
Ice-cream and pizza
Introduce Hawaiian reggae to Utards
Sand Hallows! The Narrows!
Country Dancing

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

We have news...sad news

As you can see, today is bitter sweet.

I'm not ashamed to announce that we actually sat in that Banyan tree for several hours, crying and pitying ourselves. Yep. It was the one thing that stuck around to mourn with us whenever, and for however long we needed it.

Laugh if you will, but that tree is sentimental to me.

Anyhow, I suppose I must tell you the details of our situation now. See below, my friends.


Clearly, our stay at Uncles has come to an end, and our Hilo escapades have been put on hold..for how long, we don't know.

After Uncles, we headed to Lacey's house for a few days-kudos to the couch surfing website.

Then we stayed in a hotel for two days.

Next we'll go to Derek's for a few days.

And after Derek's, we'll head to Rico's for the weekend.

From Rico's home, we'll then leave to the airport on July 12th and board our plane bounded for Utah.

It's been an amazing adventure. We have met so many people during our stay that we both will miss terribly. We've made countless memories. The trials of finding housing and jobs is something we'd both do over and over again because of the lessons and the fun and awesome experiences we've had along the way.
You can be happy in any setting, and I have learned that over and over again these lasts few months.
It's been a short venture, but I'm so grateful for the time we've had here.

One day, we'll be back.

Aloha Oi, friends. Take care.


Friday, July 2, 2010

Our living options

Is this funny to anyone else other than me??



· Shaina has job.

· No place to stay

· No money for place to stay

· Chris/ Happiness

· Beach

· Not in cedar

· Pain

· Stress.. lots of stress.. bringing pimples lots of pimples.

Meagan Stay’s/Shaina goes home: NOT POSSIBLE. NO ID-NO JOB-NO HOUSE

· Meagan has no job

· Meagan can’t get job w/ no ID

· Shaina works in Cedar

· Workout with pa

· Family

· Family

· Chris

· Alone

· No transportation

· No place to stay

· No ma

· No family

· No friends



· Possibility of working in Brian head

· Jobs

· Gym

· Dad to train us

· Mom to tutor us

· James to mentor Meagan

· Someone to mentor Shaina

· No “ home”

· No job

· Place to stay

· Family

· Nieces and nephew

· Photography


· No chris

· No happiness

Options once we are in Cedar:

· Work in Brian Head

· Get own apartment with Meagan? –Con- paying rent & food –pro- alone. Together. Able to live how we want. Eat what we want. Sleep when we want. Shower when we want. Cry when we want. Laugh when we want. Sing when we want. Dance how we want. Be lazy when we can.

· Get own apartment with pa? – con- paying rent & food

· Move to California? –pro & con- live in mikes motor home – con- paying rent and food- pro- finally home and amongst friends- con- no job.

· Go to school – con- hate schools in Utah- pro- pay off debt- educate- more rank in USCG – place to live

· Live with Elijah

· Train with Elijah

· Live on Ma’s couch - con- it’s a couch- its at home- pro- no rent, no cost of food. Free car. Lots of fruit. Lots of ice cream. Lots of movies. Lots of alone time. Blaring music. Freedom. Way to live as a mysliwiec again. –con- jamon and kelan.

· Pro- more options in going home. Being able to survive.

· Con- can’t pay ticket home.


· Die

· Different methods of suicide

· Live in Banyan tree- pro- alone- love banyan- con- alone- Brandon’s hang out – ppl will find out- cardinas- its dark, no shower, and it’s a banyan tree.

· Use 100$ we have for hostel/Tent camping

· Call President Bauer and beg for a place to stay.

· Call Mom and Dad; ask for hostel help until next check... than go home.