It's been a while since there have been any new posts so I'm excited to be able to update this thing a little bit tonight.
About one week ago I returned from a trip to L.A. and Switzerland. =D It was my first time going out of country... and...well.... it was interesting.
Maybe I'll start at the beginning....
A few benefits with my Mom having a job: She works for an exchange company, and each year she wins a trip for her and one other person over seas. The benefit is that she chooses to take us kids.... Yep.
So, she picked me up Monday and I spent three nights at her tiny little cassita in St. George until it was finally time to head to L.A. Once we got there we were able to see my Auntie and cousins for the first time (for me at least) in years, as well as my sister and her boyfriend.
Anyhow, two more days there and and we were on a plane to Switzerland.
I think the best way to describe my experiences there is to write from the letters I sent Shaina throughout the week.
I've learned quite a few things while being on this trip.
One. If you want to run into good looking men while in the airport, you have to take an international flight.
Two: Atlanta Georgia is where it's at, and I'm totally planning a trip.
Three: America has a lot to be ashamed of... but that might not make sense to anyone here.
Four: There is a lot to be grateful for in America.
Five: Spaghetti is still the best food in existence.
Six: I'm convinced it's a better life over seas.
Seven: Never trust a GPS.
That last one I think everyone can agree with in some way.
.....and there's a bunch more that my mind just won't allow me to think upon at this late hour.
Spending the night in a hotel with my Aunt, my mother made a mistake of asking what she thought about the new Airport security systems. The rest of the night was spent in a heated argument. But, by the end of the night, or should I say... early morning, we were all filled with giggles and laid our heads to rest with the agreement that men are lazy and self sabotaging and women are sickeningly selfless to the point of losing their identity. Especially in marriage.
Haha. =)
Observing my cousin and her little family has restored my excitement and belief in marriage and a family. Seeing the love she and her husband share, the unity they have in raising a little baby boy, and the pure goodness that shines through her husband was one of the best things I could have witnessed that week. I hope my husband is at least half as good as hers, and that I can be as good a mother and wife as she is.
Jumping subjects a bit, that same lovely cousin of mine also surprised my Mom and I with free hair cuts while being there. Loved mine...except maybe the bangs. I'll be making a mental note to not try those again.
I feel it's important to make it clear to you all just how miserable and torturous it is to be in a foreign country and not be able to understand a single thing anyone is saying. If you haven't experienced that yet, then I pity the day you do. It's painful, and you might as well run back up to your hotel room and lock yourself in a closet and cry all day. Really.
I've been studying up and refreshing my mind from what little French and German I took while in High school, but it made little difference once I was there. And not to mention once I was there I realized how petrified I was to attempt to speak the language to someone, especially considering I have no accent. =P
oh but alas, I had fun despite those few issues. Montreux is my favorite city. It's stunning and I'm more of a french person than I am Swiss. So if you go to Switzerland, be sure to visit. The mountains in Switzerland are amazing, there are castles everywhere, the old buildings are amazing and the villages are just beautiful.
I was able to see my host sister while in Lucerne as well which was so good being that it's been over two years since we've seen each other.
And the last but not least event from Switzerland: We'll put it this way... "Oh, agony." "I never knew french could sound so attractive coming from a french mans lips" "My heart is left in Montreux." "I'm shedding tears right now, just so you know." and "I WALKED AWAY FROM DESTINY! That's not something you take lightly."
Oh, but it's late and my eyes are threatening death if I procrastinate any longer.
Joyeux Noel, my friends! Till next time.
Oh! I forgot the best part. At the end of the trip, coming home from L.A. my Mom backed into my Auntie's mail box. Ha ha. She's not a very good driver. I keep having to remind her that I'm taking her license away at 53. =P